Poor comparison


    I was appalled to read Todd Sloan’s (Letter to the Editor) comment, “Access For All has cloaked itself in enough secrecy to be an environmentalist Al Qaeda.” Who are you, Mr.Sloan, to equate people who care and work for a better environment, for all of life, with a terrorist organization which has killed thousands of innocent people?

    David Geffen bought his house in 1972 for $450,000. Because of his agreement with the Coastal Commission to open access, he was able to expand and improve his home so that now his property is said to be worth $50 million.

    To Geffen, I say, “A promise made, is a debt unpaid.”

    Why are the billionaires able to take and have so much while not giving anything back to the Malibu community?

    “Selfish” is not strong enough a word.

    Valerie Sklarevsky