Letter: Mad Max in Malibu

Letter to the Editor

No, it’s not me. I’m talking about motorcycle gangs cruising through Malibu’s main thoroughfares in large groups, acting like they own the road and putting themselves and others in danger.

This past weekend, I was making my way back to Malibu from the 101 Freeway via Kanan Road. At the first stoplight, the leader of the gang squeezed his motorcycle directly in front of my vehicle. He drove very slowly after the light turned green, staying just a few feet in front of me to allow the rest of his gang to get ahead of all other drivers. When I attempted to get around his cycle, another gang member took his place, essentially daring me to run him over. The gang got their way and zoomed off in a group over Kanan Road to PCH. Needless to say, this encounter was a bit unnerving.

My wife and I had a similar encounter a couple years ago with a motorcycle gang whose behavior was even more brazen. In addition to using the get ahead and go slow technique on us while we were driving in the passing lane on PCH, the leader of the gang stopped his motorcycle right in the middle of the intersection at Kanan Road to let the whole gang of 100 or so members go through, staying there well after the light had changed.

I don’t begrudge motorcyclists enjoying our Malibu roads. I used to ride a motorcycle myself. However, motorcycle gangs (and I don’t use the term lightly) that show disrespect for the law while putting others in danger are a different story.

Beware, use caution, and let law enforcement know the next time you encounter one of these gangs.

John Ottusch