The editorial of Oct. 11, 2006 concerning the embarrassment of the residents of Malibu, Calif., and specifically of those living on deButts Terrace (as it was then known), because they considered the deButts name embarrassingly offensive, very effectively identified some of the lowest forms of uneducated humanity known. And I must say, even though I haven’t spoken to my first cousin, Forrest deButts Nelson, in many years, I laud her comment that changing the name would have no impact on her. It would also have no impact on the rest of her enormous family spread all around the world. I would also presume no one bothered to research the name.
I would hope any desire to erect or display some monument in the memory of Uncle Edward or Aunt Maryanne would be tempered with the obvious level of mental instability displayed by the residents of Malibu needing a name change due to embarrassment.
I have passed through Malibu many times, often remembering visiting Forrest both in Malibu at Squeaky Mesa and in Virginia when she came east for her visits with the family, and wondered what memories Malibu still held. Now I know.
Little people and their little minds.
Harry A. deButts II