One small step


Just when I start to lose my optimism for progress being made and I start to sink further into the abyss of apathy, something grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me upwards. Allow me to elaborate.

For the better part of the past two years I have been waging a personal war against Moonshadows, albeit in my head, for the amount of debris the establishment and their patrons deposit along the stretch of PCH that I clean. I have adopted the stretch, roughly two miles long from just past Big Rock to Las Flores, and the majority of the trash is generated both directly and indirectly from them.

I want to give praise to Alessandro and Chris, the managers at MoonShadows, for helping me come up with a simple solution to at least a major contributor for the mess; valet parking stubs. I find them everywhere, even in the ocean. We devised a simple solution. Just have the attendants grab the stubs off the windshield before driving the cars back to their owners and tossing them in a trash can back at the valet stand rather than leaving them on the window and having the owners toss them along PCH.

So far, so good. I barely came across any valet stubs while cleaning the stretch of PCH this last weekend. It’s not due to a downturn in their patronage either, I can attest to that. This may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things we need to fix in this community but it is refreshing to know that when people are willing to work together, things can and often do get accomplished and progress can be made, no matter what the amplitude may be.

Now for changing the behavior of their patrons, I don’t have the energy for that!

Robert Pousman