Sirens: Malibu Crime Report Aug. 15-21

Crime Report

The following crimes were reported in Malibu between Aug. 15-21:

8/15 Film FiendĀ 

An owner noticed two motion sensor controlled cameras were missing from their property on Sea Vista Dr. and reported them stolen. No surveillance was recovered from surrounding areas and the cameras are valued around $400.

8/17-8/18 Battleground

A fence between two empty properties on Encinal Canyon Road was damaged by a metal object and 20ft of the wooden fence was cut. A locking mechanism and cables on an equipment trailer were bent and a storage container was broken. The land is currently under dispute between neighbors over an easement that runs through the properties. No surveillance was available and damages to the vandalism charges are valued over $3,000.

8/18-8/19 Wrong AddressĀ 

A mailbox that had been tied to a tree with zip-ties was stolen overnight from a house on Kanan Dume Road. There are no known suspects.

8/21 Focus Fix

A vehicle burglary was reported near Malibu Golf Club between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. when the victim noticed the rear driver window of their Ford Focus had been smashed. A laptop and bag were stolen and the damages total around $1,500.