Limited responsibility


    Ms. Laureen Sills’ letter of March 7 exemplifies why the Malibu Park Homeowners Association Board has a long standing policy of not endorsing ballot items. The minutes of the Board meeting reaffirm that John Wall and the rest of our Board followed that policy and no vote was taken on the endorsement of the Measure K bond issue. Further, the minutes record that Ms. Sills wasn’t even present. Coincidentally, Ms. Sills is a Parks and Recreation Commissioner appointed by Sharon Barovsky, an opponent of John Wall’s.

    Ms. Sills also wrote that John’s statement of “confidence” in the Bond committee’s competency and his conflicting personal time commitments were, “simply not true.”. That seems to makes all of us who thought well of the bond committee and had busy personal schedules liars? I thought the Bond’s defeat was bad enough.

    Respectful of our neighbors, the Homeowners Association political involvement is limited to encouraging everyone to vote.

    Ralph Waycott

    Past President and Member, Malibu Park Homeowners Association