New Year’s resolutions


The end of the year gives us the unique opportunity to reflect upon what we have accomplished and make goals for the coming year. Later this month, I will be giving a State of the City that will not only provide you with an update on matters and issues facing Malibu, but more importantly will give you opportunities to participate and provide direct feedback about issues important to you.

The Nov. 13, 2008, Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill demonstrated that more than 1,600 fires might start from overturned lamps and burst gas pipe lines. Government resources will be overwhelmed, we must embrace self-reliance this year and every year.

Here is a short list of New Year’s resolutions opportunities:

1) Make an emergency plan and buy emergency supplies. (e.g. stock up on water and food to supply you and your family for at least 10 days. Have a battery-operated radio. City of Malibu Emergency Info: 1620 AM. Have a rotary phone available that will not rely on electricity.)

2) Sign up to the new Connect City – reverse 911 system on the City of Malibu Web site. This system will notify you (and up to four additional phone lines) in the event of an emergency.

3) Join the City of Malibu Community Emergency Response Team (“CERT”). The City of Malibu and Brad Davis, our director of Emergency Services, will offer these free classes throughout the year. Call 310.456.CITY or visit the City of Malibu Web site to see when the next classes will be offered.

4) Know how to turn off your home’s gas line.

I am grateful for your support and preparedness. I wish you a happy and divine 2009!

Pamela Conley Ulich

Mayor of Malibu