Errors of omission


    After reviewing the Code Enforcement Task Force Majority Report, I found it interesting that it doesn’t appear to include any research or data on the number of violations, types of violations, costs to Homeowners for corrections, method of corrections, how or why compliance was obtained or not obtained. How were minor and serious violations treated with no relation to any historical information or dates. There was no mention as to the categories of what type of problems were brought to the task force’s attention at public meetings.

    What about any results or any research on housing and grandfathering issues in Malibu. Many neighboring cities and counties (south bay San Francisco one of the fastest growing communities in California) are triumphing in allowing second units and guest houses in residential communities with positive results and many benefits to their communities for the long term. It appears to me that much of the information presented and accepted by the task force in the public process was well orchestrated through a fine filter by City Staff.

    On the other hand, after reading the Task Force Minority Report, I find it addresses the public’s view and does have well thought out and simple solutions to these pressing problems of Code Enforcement and Grandfathering on pre-93 improvements. I would urge you to read and support this Minority Report written by our very well respected neighbors and committee members Judy Decker, Bob Hart, Terry Lucoff, Jeannette Maginnis, Dusty Peak and Toni Semple.

    Val Fish