Letter: Get the Truth

Letter to the Editor

On July 14, 2014, the Malibu City Attorney declared the “Your Malibu, Your Decision” act referendum legal, and City Council set Nov. 4, 2014 for the election date. This is a turning point for Malibu and the ordinance is aptly named—it is your decision and your Malibu.

If we, as citizens of Malibu, want accelerating urbanization and traffic, we can vote no. If we want to protect what is left of the Malibu we know, we should vote yes. I stood up at that City Council meeting and called for an honest debate on the issues and asked the parties involved to be truthful and ethical. This is our last chance to get it right and this vote is just as important as the formation of our city 23 years ago.

Unfortunately, the opposition to the ordinance immediately went on a disinformation campaign with ads and letters, claiming that the act threatens our local movie theater and our Urgent Care. Disinformation is the right word since the writers of the act, being local residents, understood the importance of these services and the act specifically exempts all medical facilities and theaters, along with other necessary services, including gas stations, financial institutions, drug stores, grocery stores and other needed uses. They are not covered by the act and it will have no effect on them.

The act was carefully written to be fair to existing commercial landlords throughout the city, as well as to protect the interest of the consumers. All existing businesses are grandfathered and no existing business or service is threatened. There were no special deals and nowhere in the act is any shopping center favored over a similar center. It is important that everyone read the act and understand what it says. I urge everyone to take the time to understand what you are going to vote on. Always look to the source of information and verify its validity. If the opposition argues against the act, that is their right. This, however, is too important an issue to allow your vote to be based on disinformation, distortions or falsehoods. 

John Mazza