Sirens: Malibu Crime Report Feb. 9–15

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between Feb. 9–15:



Market bump

A vehicle parked on Heathercliff Road was vandalized. The victim said when they returned from shopping at a nearby market, they noticed dents on the front passenger-side door. The victim checked the market’s surveillance footage, but there was no video that captured the incident. 



Mail theft

Multiple packages were stolen from a home on Pacific Coast Highway. The victim said they saw a white male suspect wearing a hoodie on their Ring security camera. The victim posted the video on NextDoor and received a reply from someone saying they recognized the suspect who was a local transient. 



Broken glass

A window was smashed on a vehicle that was parked on Pacific Coast Highway. The victim said nothing was taken but there was glass scattered around the vehicle. There were no surveillance cameras available for evidence. The window was estimated to cost $2,000 to replace. 



Keyed up

A victim said the passenger side door of her vehicle parked on Cross Creek Road was keyed. A bystander told the victim that they saw a white male, approximately 6 feet tall, around 200 pounds, gray hair and in their mid 50s, near her vehicle during the time of the incident. The bystander said the suspect drove off in a black Kia SUV. Due to the image quality of the security cameras, they were unable to gather more information about the suspect. The damage to the vehicle was estimated to cost $1,000 to repair.


Morning vandal

At 5 a.m., a victim heard several loud bangs coming from his driveway in front of his home on Pacific Coast Highway. When the victim looked outside, he saw an unknown male wearing all black walking southbound on Pacific Coast Highway. He was not sure if that person was involved but saw that the front window of his vehicle was shattered. There were no surveillance cameras available for evidence. The window was estimated to cost $500 to repair.



Broken window

A vehicle was broken into on Old Topanga Canyon Road and several items were stolen from the glove department and center console. The victim said the suspects entered through the side window which was inoperable prior to the incident. The victim said a pair of Nike shoes were also missing which were estimated to cost $75. The window was estimated to cost $500 to repair.