Blood Drive Scheduled in Malibu Amid Critical Blood Shortage

City Hall Blood Drive, 2015

With a critical nationwide blood shortage, Malibu High School is sponsoring a blood drive this Sunday, Nov. 15, at the Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue. Appointments are available and recommended in order to adhere to strict physical distancing guidelines.

The need for blood during the pandemic is more critical than ever according to UCLA Blood and Platelet Center Recruitment Coordinator Terri Hill.

“We are experiencing a very critical situation where we may not have enough blood for emergency surgeries, cancer treatments and transplant surgeries,” Hill said. “We’ve seen about a 50 percent drop in donations. However, we have an increase in need because surgeries have resumed and because of emergencies. Our need is increasing though our donations have not.”

Hill assured blood donation is safe. At this Sunday’s event, a cleaning crew will wipe down every surface after use and plenty of personal protective equipment will be worn. 

Typically, blood drives are held at high schools and office buildings, but with those closed other community locations have stepped up to facilitate. At MJCS donations are planned in the indoor/outdoor sanctuary where walls of doors can be completely opened for optimal air flow.

Plenty of slots are available for appointments at

Questions, please call Terri Hill at 310.567.1720

Eligible donors will receive a T-shirt or movie ticket and can get COVID-19 antibody tests.