Letter: Traffic Jam

Letter to the Editor

More insanity floating around Malibu in regard to Measure R. Last week, Rick Wallace wrote the most outrageous editorial, printed in the Surfside News in which he states, “traffic is not now nor never will be a problem, due to current or future development.” How on earth can this make any sense? How will residents of these developments get in and out of Malibu without creating further traffic, and if the development is commercial, we have an even bigger problem. I can only guess people who make these ridiculous statements are pretty desperate to be losing big bucks. He also blames the traffic on the invasion of beach visitors when this is a world-famous beach town. 

Though traffic might be the biggest problem of over-development, forfeiture of our rural community and the whole environment of our beautiful beaches and mountains would be tragic. Once gone, gone forever. Vote Measure R to give Malibu a fair chance. 

Jacqueline Craven