Fire warning unheeded


Earlier this week, I saw some Cal Trans workers on PCH smoking by the side of the road. I was very concerned because we are in high fire season, so I called Cal Trans and spoke to a high level official who was borderline rude and told me that there was no rule against employees smoking on the job. He actually was snippy and somewhat incredulous that I suggested smoking while working cuts productivity, etc.

Frankly, I was pretty surprised and also annoyed since we are in high fire season. Then I called a fire captain here in Malibu who said that he has no jurisdiction over Cal Trans. In this day and age with all the no smoking rules this seems a no brainier to have rules about smoking on the job, especially on red flag days. I suggest that those of you who are as concerned as I write the city council and your local congress people. Where is Smokey the bear when we need him?

Susan Tellem