Planning Commission to Discuss Rancho Malibu Hotel Project

A rendering of one of the casita-type structures envisioned in the proposed Rancho Malibu Hotel project. The project’s developer predicts the hotel will bring 300-400 jobs to Malibu, although there are traffic and noise concerns. 

The City of Malibu Planning Commission will review the draft environmental impact report (DEIR) and hear comments on the Rancho Malibu Hotel Project next Monday during its regular meeting. 

The City released last month the Rancho Malibu Hotel Project DEIR for what the developer has believes would be the “single-largest economic generator in the city.”

The Rancho Malibu Hotel Project has been in the works since 1984, and includes plans for a 275,000-square-foot, 146-room hotel on the northeast corner of the Malibu Canyon Road and Pacific Coast Highway intersection, across from Pepperdine University. 

Developer Richard Weintraub expets the project to cost $138.5 million to build and to provide 910 construction jobs. He also estimates 300-400 full-time employees would work at the luxury hotel once it’s up and running. 

The DEIR found a potential impact on traffic, noise and Native American cultural artifacts in the area. The project would require the addition of turn lanes and a new traffic signal near the development; noise disturbances during construction; noise disturbances due to special events; and possible disruption of cultural Chumash Tribe resources.

The DEIR estimates it would take about two years for the project to be completed.

The Planning Commission meeting will allow for comments that will be addressed in the final environmental impact report. The City will continue to solicit public input until Dec. 2. Comments should be submitted to associate planner Ha Ly.