Letter: District Can Be Saved

Letter to the Editor

In response to the guest column “Nine years of opportunity” published July 1

Talk about bureaucratic babble! On Independence Day Weekend, no less, when homegrown governance is celebrated, and constructs such as the Point Dume Community Services District, however languishing, nonetheless are vestiges of local control.

If the executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LA LAFCO), did anything in his recent letter to the Times attempting to explain why the Point Dume District should be dissolved, to the contrary, was reveal why his county sinecure be questioned.  

Why are these desk jockey paper-pushers sitting at their desks behind closed doors always telling the community concerned why it can’t do something, rather than why it can, and perhaps even help? 

Not appreciated either was his bureaucratic bashing of the ever community spirited Pamela Conley Ulich. The city council also should be ashamed of itself, with the exception of Pierson, for not supporting the district.

Yes, the district has been inactive for too long, in part because of the lack of support by a sluggish city hall. If only its bloated bureaucracy would dare venture out from our un-civic center.

But there is the hope as expressed by Conley that the district can be revived, be it for at least a community garden, as I have recommended, or a needed community alert and disaster assistance organization. 

If it is killed, then there will be no chance of hope, and I fear our Malibu will further sink into a governmental morass. 

Sam Hall Kaplan