Letter: What Neighbors Want

Letter to the Editor

I recently got a letter from the Chamber of Commerce (aka Steve Soboroff) about Measure R (which I support) and know many of my neighbors have received the same letter. 

I understand that Soboroff and his allies want to keep it as easy as possible to turn Malibu into a strip mall, but I couldn’t believe how far they were willing to go until now. 

I’m writing this to warn Malibu: do not trust the misinformation propagated in that letter. Here are the facts about Measure R:

– Measure R is a vote for a vote. If we pass Measure R, it’ll put power into our hands to decide whether or not we want a large new development, instead of big developers. Other cities have enacted similar policies and have seen the desired results. Simple.

– Measure R will limit chain stores and will protect the entire Civic Center area, unlike current city policy. It protects local businesses as well as Malibu’s small-town aesthetic.

– More than 2,000 Malibu residents, including myself, put Measure R on the ballot, and our Mayor has endorsed the measure.

Even more infuriating than the letter was the attached, so-called “impartial-analysis.” I can’t believe that some of our elected officials, who are supposed to be neutral in their analysis, have essentially skewed information to mislead voters.

Don’t trust big developers and their political allies. Measure R was put on the ballot by our neighbors in Malibu and we should vote “yes.”

Vanessa Mitchell-Clyde