Letter: Contaminated Classrooms

Letter to the Editor

“How can this be?” This is the first thought that runs through my mind when I think of the way the Santa Monica/Malibu School District has handled the contamination at the Malibu Schools.

One would think that surely the school district would clean up the schools on the first notice of a real problem. I thought that was standard procedure these days. Ponder how some other schools have handled their contamination issues —swiftly, thoroughly and in most cases, they are rebuilding their schools.

I personally have researched building new school buildings that are Division of the State Architect (DSA) approved. I found a new industry out there designing state-of-the-art, environmentally sound and really reasonably priced buildings to school our beautiful children in. They can add solar panels, too. Our kids could learn in an environment with fresh air, quality lighting (including lots of daylight), no offgassing and no chemical contamination. This means healthier and happier kids, teachers, staff and parents. This means a healthier community.  

Do not kid yourself that there is not a problem here. Have you seen the latest horrifying test results the school district was trying to hide concerning the amount of PCBs in the classrooms?

PCBs above 50ppm are outlawed and dangerous. Some classrooms have hugely higher amounts: 290,000, 440,000, 570,000 … It’s no wonder so many people are sick.

Please join us and demand change now.

Deborah Frankel