Measure R Passes in Malibu

Rob Reiner and Jefferson "Zuma Jay" Wagner were major proponents and supporters of Measure R. Malibu voted to pass the new law in the Nov. 4 election. 

[This post has been revised. See editor’s note.]

The hard-fought Measure R campaign culminated late Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning, as the controversial chain store and development ordinance Measure R was passed with support from nearly 60 percent of Malibu.

Approximately 59.3 percent of registered voters who participated in Tuesday’s election said “Yes” in favor of new restrictions on chain stores in Malibu and also declared they want to take to the polls on all major commercial developments measuring more than 20,000 square feet, according to figures posted after 2 a.m. on Wednesday by the L.A. County clerk and registrar. Nearly 41 percent of participating voters were opposed to the measure. 

Malibu now becomes part of a handful of coastal towns in California that allow residents to take a stance on major developments, including Del Mar and Encinitas. 

Preliminary results had been too close to call Tuesday evening because the clerk only posted absentee results. Finalized results did not go up until early Wednesday morning.

Finalized results (100% precincts reporting):

Yes: 59.27% (1,954 votes)

No: 40.73% (1,343)

Measure R proponent Rob Reiner released this statement early Wednesday:

“Last night’s election result is a major victory for the residents of Malibu, all of whom now have a stronger voice over the future of our community. Measure R will help preserve the unique character of Malibu and combat increased traffic and the destruction of open spaces by giving voters a say on the 1.5 million square feet of commercial development currently planned in the heart of the city and on future development plans. 

I would like to extend an enthusiastic thank you to all those who signed petitions to place Measure R on the ballot, who volunteered on the phones and the streets and, most importantly, who voted for this historic new law for our city.

Developers who campaigned against Measure R, including “No on R” campaign funder Steve Soboroff, have threatened to file suit against the constitutionality of the measure. Check back for more reaction to Measure R’s passage.

Editor’s Note: A previous version of this story stated 59.3 percent of registered Malibu voters said “Yes” to Measure R. It has since been modified to clarify that 59.3 percent of Malibu voters who participated voted “Yes.”Â