Obituary: David Michael Levy

David Michael Levy

David Michael Levy died at home on Feb. 20, surrounded by family and friends, after a 12-year battle with prostate cancer. Levy was born in 1943. 

A teacher for over 37 years, Levy taught science and health at Emerson Junior High. A loved one said that Emerson was his second home, and the teachers and staff became his second family.

“David was truly everyone’s favorite teacher,” they said. “His enthusiasm for the environment, science, geography and health and media was contagious, and he could hold the attention of students and adults like no other.” 

Some of Levy’s middle school students grew up to become teachers and returned to Emerson, where Levy became their colleague.

Always a strong union supporter, David was a part of the beginning days of UTLA, supporting its evolution throughout his career and into retirement. He was also a member of CFT and AFT.

Levy moved into the house he built in Malibu with Paula Gershoy 34 years ago, where they married and raised their son Mitchell. His retirement involved relaxing days, travel and various community activities, including the Corral Canyon Fire safety Alliance, Malibu CERT and Arson Watch. He volunteered as an election poll worker and inspector for many years.

Originally from Brooklyn, N.Y., Levy was the son of Sam and Hannah Levy and brother to Marc (Jayne). He is survived by many relatives and friends on the East Coast and throughout the country. His immediate California family also includes Paula’s sister Mimi (Chris), and her three children Jaemi (Chris), Matt (Sarah) and Rick and grandchildren Ella, Caity, Anisa, Jee Hoon and Si-Eon.

“David’s death has left a hole in the hearts of family and friends, who will remember him for his compassion, dry wit, welcoming smile and persistent helpfulness,” a loved one said. “No matter what someone needed, David was quick to offer help with it, almost always knew how to fix it, and had the screws and bolts in the basement to make it all work. He was a man who loved deeply and was deeply loved.” 

Donations may be made to the Naish-Davis Cancer Foundation or a charity of your choice.