Man convicted of murder in death of Emily Shane

Emily Shane

A jury found 28-year-old Sina Khankhanian guilty of second degree murder Thursday in the 2010 death of Malibu 8th-grader Emily Shane. The sentence is 16 years to life in prison, according to Michel Shane, the father of Emily Shane. While the usual sentence for second-degree murder is 15 to life, an extra year was added because Khankhanian used his car as a weapon, Michel Shane said. The eight-man, four-woman jury began deliberations Tuesday afternoon and came to its decision Thursday. Emily Shane died in April 2010 when a car driven by Khankhanian hit her as she walked along Pacific Coast Highway near Heathercliff Road. It was the second trial in the case, after the first trial earlier this year ended in a hung jury.

“I am relieved that the legal part of this horrible tragedy is behind us,” said Ellen Shane, Emily Shane’s mother. “Nothing is going to bring [Emily] back, but at least justice was done for her.”

The Malibu Times is attempting to reach Khankhanian’s attorney, Bradley Brunon, for a statement. Check The Malibu Times website for more information as it arises.