Kind words for library


    Mr. Blackwell’s letter regarding the Malibu Public Library should not be allowed to present a distorted opinion of our wonderful library based on a single, perhaps, confused, tale.

    If anything, we Malibuites are negligent in not praising our library and its dedicated librarians. My wife and I, as well as other Malibu friends, constantly extol the virtues of “the library.” It not only gives us senior citizens a refuge from a busy world but also provides us with delicious hours of free entertainment, which is rare in today’s world.

    Malibu should have a Librarian’s Day to honor our faithful librarians. Mr. Blackwell’s criticism is like a single drop in an ocean of praise and respect for our Malibu library.

    Incidentally, has anyone at Lily’s Cafe read Proposition 40 (on the March ballot)? It would give the autocratic Coastal Commission more power and billions of dollars to extend its “winning ways” throughout the entire state of California. Proposition 40 helps to get Coastal even more political power and clout. Carefully read it and weep since it probably shall pass.

    Ron Lawrence