‘Access’ out of line


    Where do the “Access for All” people think they are? Malibu is wonderful the way it is. Why pit people against one another? If one member of this group can produce proof that they are native Californians, I will be shocked. This AFA needs to focus its misguided enthusiasm on maintaining the accesses we have and preventing vandalism, robbery and graffiti. Have any of you seen the nightmare of Broad Beach easements? There is trash, dog…, illegal dogs and vandalism.

    Why should a beachfront homeowner want a path alongside his or her home for the general public? There are many public beaches. OK, I want access to have a picnic on one of the AFA member’s lawns. (If they even have a lawn.) If you people want Huntington Beach, then move there. Saying that more coast used is in the interest of the environment is false. The true protectors of the beaches are the people who live on them and have been respecting them for years.

    Shirley Chapman