KBUU Newswire – Day 169 – Wed Apr 24 – Victims Want City To Waive Plan Check Fees – Lawsuit Says 73 Year Old Fire Victim Got Zero Warning – Sewer Cost Reveal Next Week – Measles At UCLA



This is KBUU News – Day 169 – the Wednesday Headlines:

  • =    Malibu should waive plan check fees for fire victims … some fire victims are urging. 
  • =   City budget talks are tonight. 
  • =   An elderly man over the hill was killed by the fire … because he didn’t get warned. 
  • =   What should the new Malibu high campus look like?  Blank paper and marker pens will be passed out tonight. 
  • =   A measles outbreak may be about to hit the Westside. 

This is Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … the Wednesday edition … from Radio Malibu  …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


This evening at 6 … the city council will pore over the next year’s budget.

Fire victims are organizing a protest …. they want the city to drop fees charged to review construction blueprints for fire burnout applications.  Details: https://www.radiomalibu.net/victims-urge-city-to-drop-fees/


Details about the death of a 73 year old man … killed as the Woolsey Fire swept through a canyon near Kanan-Dume Road… are emerging in a lawsuit filed yesterday by his family.  https://www.radiomalibu.net/73-year-old-man-was-not-warned/


Residents of the Malibu Civic Center area have a big decision ahead.  Next Tuesday, the City will will reveal the latest cost projections to buy in to the sewer lines and plants. Details: https://www.radiomalibu.net/civic-center-sewer-cost-estimates/


Measles are breaking out on the Westside.

A UCLA student … who was recently infected … attended classes at the Westwood campus for three days in early April while infectious. Details: https://www.radiomalibu.net/confirmed-measles-at-ucla/

Link to UCLA Daily Bruin article: https://dailybruin.com/2019/04/22/two-ucla-buildings-potentially-exposed-to-measles-one-student-infected/


More details are emerging on the Malibu city council’s decision .. announced Monday night … to sue Southern California Edison over the Wolsey Fire.

The city has lost between two and eight million dollars because of the fire and subsequent fire related floods. 

Attorney Christi Hogin tells KBUU News that Southern California Edison … and we quote … “was aware of the risks associated with its overhead electrical equipment potentially causing wildfires when Santa Ana winds are blowing. 

“The complaint will be filed in the next day or so.  

The claims are negligence, inverse condemnation, trespass, and violations of the Public Utilities Code and the Health & Safety Code.”

The city attorney is drafting the lawsuit and will release it to the public as it is filed.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.  ((( time  ))))


Plans for the reconstruction of Malibu High School … and the new Malibu Middle School … are being formulated.

And tonight is the chance for Malibu residents to comment and make suggestions. 

Tonight from 6 to 8 …. there will be the first of two identical town hall-style meetings.

Architects will make presentations.

Workshops will follow  … including time for questions and feedback. 

The district is giving two opportunities for Malibu residents to hear from representatives of LPA … the architecture firm designing the campus.

The Malibu Middle School and High School Campus Plan will guide the removal of old buildings and the construction of the new campus. 

The new campus will be significantly funded by voter-approved Measure M.


Finally this morning …. local author Suzanne Guldimann has a book signing for her new book tonight.

Guldimann is a Malibu treasure … a local who graduated from Juan Cabrillo Elementary. 

Her book is called “Life In Malibu.”

It’s a history of the Malibu … how it has changed … how people fought for it … and a chronicle of what people mean when they talk about the unique “Malibu Way of Life.” 

The book signing with Suzanne Guldimann will be held tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Red Ladder Gallery, on Cross Creek Road. 


Traffic … in 65 seconds … first … 


Weather for the Malibu ….

((((  patchy fog in a few places … then windy and hazy this afternoon.   )))) … highs  ((((   68  )))) beaches … ((((   80   )))) mountains and canyons. 

Downcoast winds …  (((   20   )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    7:33   )))).

After that … (((  patchy fog again  )))) tonight … low ((((  57  )))) beaches …  ((((   )))) mountains and canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((    much the same    )))).

At 8:55 … at Trancas it’s ((((    62  )))) degrees.

Leo Carrillo Beach …   ((((    57    )))).

Upper Malibu Canyon …  ((((   65    )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((    61  )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((     56  )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  1 to 2   )))) feet high …. 

Clean AM conditions, but small.

Those are ((((  poor )))) surfing conditions …..

(((((   Low tide is at 8:33 AM.

High tide … 3 feet … at 3:59 PM .

Another low tide at 7:25 PM.    ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

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