Malibu Association of Realtors Hosts 73rd Annual Installation Dinner

Malibu Association of Realtors (MAR)

On Thursday, Dec. 5, the Malibu Association of Realtors (MAR) hosted its 73rd annual installation dinner at the Bel-Air Bay Club. Honorees included 2020 MAR President Ani Dermenjian and the 2020 board of directors. 

“I’m incredibly humbled you’ve placed your faith and trust in me, and I will strive in every way to be worthy of your confidence and fulfill my duties the best that I can,” Dermenjian said in a statement provided by MAR.

In addition to Dermenjian, members of the 2020 board of directors include President-elect Stephen Udoff, Treasurer Ignacio Rodriguez-Diaz, Secretary Sarah Kosasky, Vice President Meril May and directors Jerel Taylor, Matt Ogden, Derinda Moses, Bianca Torrence, Bill Bowling, Dan Ross, Kelly Pessis, Maria Cox-Dwyer and Cody Garcia.

Special awards were presented to Realtors that the association said demonstrated outstanding achievements over the past year. Award recipients included former President Jerel Taylor (Realtor of the Year), Lisa Samuels (Affiliate of the Year), Kelly Pessis (Community Service Award) and Margaret Hauptman (Positive Spirit Award).

Approximately 200 attendees—Realtors, affiliate members and guests—were present at the red carpet gala.