Crack down on law-breakers


    Malibu residents are getting ruder. It’s either lack of manners or lack of years in California. It’s illegal to have dogs on the beach. It’s illegal to drive across the crosswalk at Cross Creek if someone is in it, even if they have walked past your car. It’s illegal to park in the fire lane to pick up your cleaning or buy flowers or mail a letter. It’s illegal to park in the red at the ATM. It’s illegal to run a stop sign or run a red light. It’s illegal to drive 70 miles per hour down PCH.

    Malibu is a very lenient community. It’s about time some self-righteous parent gets a ticket. Who you are is a law-breaker – deal with it – you were wrong. Malibu has signs: ATM parking only, handicap parking, Pt. Dume Cleaners only, and all are ignored.

    The sheriffs need to give more tickets. How about a ticket when your dog takes a dump in the Zuma Beach parking lot and you don’t pick it up? Poop for thought.

    C. Ellis