Planetary Themes for the Month of June

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.


As Mars is retrograding back into Scorpio, you move into the emotional realm and may be forced to examine internal issues. You can run but can’t hide from your feelings. Your mind is also active with many ideas. You may not have enough time to implement them all. Try to narrow your view and focus on priorities and goals. 


Your cleverness can take you far. Your new money making ideas may be good but are probably lacking a practical element. Relationships and social involvements take on more importance through the 17th. After the 17th, your sensitive side comes out. Spending more time at home or with family brings you in balance.


As Venus transits your sign until the 17th, you are in a position for attracting money, opportunities and the greater expression of love. Any obstacles in your life can begin to lift after the first week. Your social life is highlighted during the second week when you can attract new friends. Indecision may plague you after the 12th. 


As Mars transits Scorpio, any romantic involvements can intensify. Your creativity is also on the rise. Emotional involvements with children in your life can deepen. This is a good time for evaluating your ideas and more self-introspection. Some changes in your mental outlook or decisions are in store. Try to narrow your focus.


Your social life and networking with others probably take on more importance through the 20th. After the 20th, domestic and family matters are highlighted. You may desire to spend some more alone time to get better in touch with your needs. If something is out of sync with a family matter, try being more adaptable. 


This month can be a challenge for you to accomplish your goals if you juggle too many balls. Get better organized and focus on priorities. You may also be plagued with some indecision and are subject to changing your mind. Toward the end of the month, you will be in a better position to move forward with concrete plans. 


Travel and exploring new areas take on more importance. This is also a good time for mental expansion, learning new subjects and higher education. Hold your own when it comes to your ideas. Don’t allow yourself to become easily swayed by other people. After the 17th, your domestic and sensitive side comes out.


As Mars retrogrades in your sign, it is best to turn within and examine internal issues. This is also a good time to let go of any unwanted habits or emotional baggage from the past. There may be some unexpected changes in your work life or daily routine. Go with the flow. A new health routine can do you wonders.


Time alone well spent can do you a lot of good. Examine things that are bothering you and release any pent-up energy. Significant others have a lot of ideas to share with you. Be willing to listen more to what they have to say. Financially, you are moving into something bigger and can reap greater rewards from your efforts by the 26th. 


This is a time for you to make the best use of resources to accomplish bigger goals. Opportunities are plentiful now. More activity in your social life and networks can open more doors. You are juggling many balls; try to stay organized. Family and relationships take on more importance during the second half. 


You may feel like you are doing some backpedaling in your career or accomplishing your goals. Delays are for a reason. Be willing to seek more support from others. After the new moon on the fourth, more possibilities open up in the romance department. Your creativity and new ideas can take you far if you act on them. 


You are moving in many different directions. Try to get better organized and set priorities. It may be hard for you to make decisions or commitments, so take your time. You can get more tuned in to your emotional needs after the 18th. This can lead to deeper relationship involvements. Family matters take on more importance.