Sirens: Malibu Crime Report Oct. 12 – 30

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between Oct. 12 – 30:


Broken glass

A window was smashed at a Malibu mattress store while the business was closed for two days. The victim found a small ball bullet that appeared to be from a small BB gun. The window was left shattered and estimated to cost $800 to repair. There were no cameras available for evidence. 


Unlocked vehicle

A vehicle parked on Malibu Road was left unlocked and was ransacked. The victim said she does not regularly lock her vehicle since it’s parked on her driveway. A designer wallet worth $1,000 and $2,000 in cash were stolen. There was no damage to the vehicle. 


Unlocked vehicle

A vehicle parked at Las Tunas Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim reviewed security footage and said suspects in a white colored sedan drove by her property and approached her unlocked vehicle and stole an estimated $3,076 worth of personal items, plus $300 cash. 


Phone theft

A package containing a new iPhone 13 Pro worth $1,099 was stolen from a property on Topanga Beach Drive. The victim received a notification of the package being delivered but reviewed her security footage and did not see anyone dropping off her package. 


Hidden key crime

A vehicle parked at Malibu Surfrider Beach was broken into and two cell phones worth $2,000 were stolen. The victim hid his keys under a bush, went surfing and, upon return, the keys were missing and his vehicle was ransacked. There was no damage to the vehicle.


Unlocked vehicle

A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and a wallet, designer jewelry and $200 in cash were stolen. The victim said she did not lock her vehicle. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 


Hidden key crime

A vehicle parked at Nicholas Canyon Beach was broken into and a wallet and cellphone were stolen. The victim hid the key fob under the driver door before going surfing and, upon return, the vehicle was unlocked and ransacked. The victim received a notification of a $11,000 transaction made with his credit cards and was informed the password to his Apple Pay account was changed.

Hidden key crime

A vehicle parked near the Malibu Pier was broken into and ransacked. The victim left his keys underneath a beach towel, went surfing and, upon return, the key was missing and his vehicle was ransacked and left unlocked. There was no damage to the vehicle. The report was unclear on what was taken. 

Package theft

A package containing bed sheets and women,s clothes was stolen from a property on Ocean View Drive. The victim reviewed his security footage and said a dark colored sedan stopped in front of his driveway, took the package  from his mailbox and drove away. The victim was unsure if any personal mail was stolen along with his package.


Grab and dash

An estimated $211 worth of items were stolen from CVS on Malibu Road. The victim said two suspects were seen placing items in an empty grocery bag and walking out of the store without paying. The victim said the suspects were working together as they left, walking the same direction toward Webb Way. Due to the suspects wearing a face covering, the victim was unable to gather more details on their appearance. 


Shadow man

A home on Malibu Road was broken into; however, nothing was tampered with or taken. The victim received a motion notification from his security camera and saw a silhouette of a male walking toward the laundry room before disappearing. The victim said there was nothing missing, damaged or out of place. The security footage was filed for evidence.


A vehicle parked on Coastline Drive was broken into and a set of keys were taken. The victim said the passenger side window was forced down and the suspect left behind a pink blanket. The window was estimated to cost $350 to repair.Â