Sirens: Malibu Crime Report Feb. 10-20

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between Feb. 10–20:


Night burglar

A vehicle parked at a restaurant on PCH in eastern Malibu was broken into and ransacked. The victim noticed the window was shattered and numerous items were taken from the glove department including a wallet, keys and $250 in cash. The manager at the restaurant was unable to provide the security footage.

Shattered glass

A window was smashed on a vehicle parked on PCH near Carbon Beach. The victim returned to her vehicle after her shift at a restaurant nearby and said the window was shattered and her vehicle was ransacked. No items were taken but the vehicle manual estimated to cost $50, was stolen. The window was estimated to cost $500 to repair.



Key caper

A vehicle was broken into and ransacked on Morning View Drive.The victim placed his key fob on top of the rear passenger side tire while surfing and upon return the key fob was missing and the victim’s wallet and credit cards were stolen. 

Designer dash

$13,225 worth of designer handbags were stolen from a vehicle parked on Westward Beach. The victim’s credit cards were used to make a $950 purchase at the WestLake Village Target. The window was estimated to cost $500 to replace.

Mail mishap

Various mail boxes on Decker Canyon Road were broken into and ransacked. The victim said several letters were opened and some were thrown on the ground. The victim said the mailboxes are locked but the back of the mailbox is broken and secured by tape.

Beach burglar

A cell phone, wallet and miscellaneous credit cards were stolen from a vehicle parked at Topanga State Beach. The victim was surfing and, upon return, the key fob box was broken into and was used to unlock the vehicle. 



Tire thieves

An original tire was replaced with a spare tire to a vehicle parked on Fernhill Drive. The victim noticed her vehicle was driving differently and pulled over to see the passenger side rear tire was tampered with. The victim called AAA to have her tire replaced with her original tire. The tire was estimated to cost $350. 



Wave break

A $500 designer bag, miscellaneous credit cards and an iPhone worth $1,200 were stolen from a vehicle parked on Malibu Colony Road. The victim went surfing and upon returning, the key fob box where the key was located was open and his vehicle was ransacked. 

Grand theft

A catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle parked in front of the victim’s home on Pacific Coast Highway. The victim said his surveillance cameras were down during the time of the incident. The catalytic converter was estimated to cost $2,500. 



Broken box

Deputies responded to a burglary on Cross Creek Road. The victim parked their vehicle across from the Malibu Coast Animal Hospital and upon return the front passenger door handle had been broken off and a duffle bag, two iPhones and a wallet were missing from the vehicle. The victim said the lock box containing the key to his vehicle was damaged and was used to gain access to his vehicle.