Photos: Red, white and ‘Bu

James and Shan Stafford, along with dog Murphy, roll down the road decked out in red, white and blue during the 4th of July parade on Point Dume. 

The 14th Annual Point Dume 4th of July Parade took place last week in celebration of Independence Day. More than 500 people participated in the parade, traveling down Birdview Road in decorated bikes, golf carts, scooters and other devices. The parade route ended at Point Dume Marine Science School, where the 4th of July celebration continued. Festivities included an Old Fashion BBQ and prizes. Executive Pastor of the Presbyterian Church Michael Mudgett led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance, Kelly Noah sang the Star Spangled Banner and veterans were honored. This was the 14th year that Steven Grahek and Alice Carpenter organized the parade, which has grown each year. “It began with a few beat-up pick-ups and a bulldozer!” Grahek said.