Gliding into trouble


I was sorry to learn that a hang-glider had died in Corral Canyon last Friday. Perhaps it is now time to take action and learn some lessons as we did from the recent Corral Canyon fire. With regard to the fire, a number of preparations are now in place for the future, such as better evacuation programs, more interaction with the Fire Department, the State Park taking a closer look at their politics, etc.

Approximately three months ago, a hang-glider with a small motor crashed off Pacific Coast Highway and started a brush fire. I’ve seen hang-gliders descending dangerously low across the highway with only a short stretch of beach for landing on when the tide is high. I am not against hang-gliders and I love recreational activity, but I do believe the risk of loss of human life and the potential for collision on or near the busy Pacific Coast Highway are too great to allow this sport to take place in the immediate area.

Bill Raffin