One small step for Malibu


    No disrespect to letter writers who’ve been spending their summer vacation telling people to vote “No” on the parks and land bond issue, but I’m still voting “Yes” because the following “No” arguments aren’t persuasive.

    1. $15 million isn’t enough to buy every piece of land and build every facility necessary, so vote “No” and get nothing we need.

    2. The bond doesn’t state everything we need in specific order, so vote “No” and get nothing we need.

    3. The bond did not explicitly promise the money for my personal hobby, so vote “No” and get nothing we need.

    Sorry, folks, but I can live with the fact that no one in life gets everything they want in exactly the way they want it. A town that has some wholesome and beautiful community-sponsored places is better than a town that has none.

    This parks and land bond is the beginning of Malibu people using our own resources to provide for our own needs. It has been refreshing, even inspiring, to see people from so many different interests agree to work together toward that goal. So, forgive me if I don’t read any more complaints. I’m on my way to the community park where I can picnic and watch kids play soccer or baseball, and seniors stroll and do tai chi, and dogs fetch a Frisbee and . . .oh, never mind. Gotta vote “Yes” first.

    Fred Ex