Facts favor council


In Malibu, every two years around election time, the same small group of people starts writing letters to the editor misrepresenting the facts about the Malibu City Council’s accomplishments. But they have a slight problem. The present City Council’s record speaks for itself.

We purchased Bluffs Park and the Chili Cook-Off site, built a storm water treatment facility, raised over $20 million in grants and accomplished many other things that we are proud of. The goal of the city has always been to have $8 million in reserve and, after doing everything I just mentioned, the city has over $13 million in reserve.

Three weeks ago, elected state officials, state agencies and environmental groups showed up to honor the city for its commitment to cleaning up our waterways and beaches. Why do I bring this up? Simple! Because the nasty, false letters are already starting. Get used to it because it looks like we will be seeing them until the election in April of next year.

I guess the theory is that if this small opposition group writes enough of these letters filled with nonsense, the good people of Malibu will start to believe them. Well, I have news for them. History shows that candidates responsible for these letters lose in each Malibu election and they will probably lose in the next election because Malibu voters ignore hysterical name calling and lies and vote on the facts.

Andy Stern, member

Malibu City Council