Letter: Unnecessary Fear

Letter to the Editor

First, I would like to express what I love about Measure W. I love that, after waiting what seems to be a lifetime, we will finally get a Whole Foods Market. I love that it will not be a single box built on top of a giant slab of concrete, but rather a small format version of the Whole Foods Market on San Vicente in Brentwood. I love that we will get a new public park with facilities for kids and families, and I love that the park will be green and covered with a tree canopy.

Here is what I don’t love: I don’t love the fact that many of us have become afraid to express ourselves publicly if we support this plan. I don’t love watching people get harassed in front of Ralphs by grown men wearing bright orange hats. I don’t love getting a half dozen emails a week asking me to spend time investigating whether or not an elementary school endorsed this measure. All of this anger and negativity is so unhealthy for our beautiful community.

I am voting “yes” on Measure W with no regrets or fear. This will be a positive and highly beneficial addition to our town.

Jean Kingman