Calendar events are scheduled in advance and may be subject to change. Verify dates and times by calling the informational number provided. Submission deadline is Friday at 1 p.m. Please fax submissions to The Malibu Times, c/o Calendar Editor, at 310.456.8986,"or"e-mail"to



REPUBLICAN WOMEN J. David Breemer of the Pacific Legal Foundation’s Coastal Land Rights Project is the guest speaker at the Malibu Republican Women Federated luncheon at Guido’s Malibu, 3874 Cross Creek Rd., 11:30 a.m. 457.353

MODEL SEDER WORKSHOP Two Community Model Seder and Workshops at the Conejo Jewish Academy, 30345 Canwood St. in Agoura Hills, 12:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. 818.991.0991

BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses John Steinbeck’s “East of Eden” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Lecture on preparing for emergencies at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 3:30 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357


SPRING CONCERT Students present their spring instrumental concert at Juan Cabrillo Elementary School, 30237 Morning View Drive, 1:45 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. 457.0360

SURFRIDER MEETING The Malibu Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation General Chapter Meeting at Harvelle’s Jazz Club, 1432 Fourth Street in Santa Monica, 7 p.m. 451.1010

WILDLIFE SESSION “On the Edge” People and Wildlife Program at Temescal Gateway Park, 15601 Sunset Blvd., 7 p.m. 818.591.1701 ext. 188


CHAMBER BREAKFAST Malibu Chamber of Commerce presents the New Member Quarterly Breakfast at Malibu Inn Restaurant, 22969 PCH, 8 a.m. 456.9025

BEEN THERE, DONE THAT Dr. Larry Horn speaks on the changes in society in the last 50 years at the Malibu Senior Center, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 10 a.m. 456.2489 ext. 357


CANDIDATES FORUM The Malibu Township Council sponsors a City Council candidates forum at Webster Elementary School, 3601 Winter Canyon Rd., 10 a.m. 457.1857

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY A workday at Habitat for Humanity in Oxnard organized by the Malibu United Methodist Church, 8 a.m. 457.7505

IRON MAN SHOOT The Malibu Mountain Archery Club hosts its Iron Man Shoot at 5656 Latigo Canyon Rd., 7:30 a.m. 818.703.7844, 541.0516 or 675.5214

WOMEN’S HISTORY PLAY Performance of “Abigail Adams: A Revolutionary Woman” at the Malibu Library, 23519 W. Civic Center Way, 3 p.m. 456.6438.

WILDFLOWERS The National Park Service presents a slide show on the natural history of wildflowers at the National Park Service Visitor Center, 401 W. Hillcrest Dr. in Thousand Oaks, 2 p.m. 805.370.2329

JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL The two-day Ventura County Jewish Film Festival premiers at Temple Beth Torah, 7620 Foothill Rd. in Ventura, 8 p.m. $7-$18. 805.647.4181


ART EXHIBIT Art exhibit celebrating 25th anniversary of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area at Headwaters Corner. Meet at shuttle at Calbasas High School, 22855 Mullholland Highway in Calabasas, 12 p.m. 818.591.1701 ext. 189


STRATEGIC PLAN FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION PUBLIC FORUM Input on a special education plan will be gathered. March 29, 7 p.m., Malibu High School library, 30215 Morningview Drive; March 30, 7 p.m., Lincoln Middle School library, 1501 California Ave. SM; March 31, Edison Elementary School cafeteria, 2425 Kansas Ave., SM, 310.450.8338

MUSICAL RECITAL Fred Ormand performs on the clarinet and Louise Lofquist performs on the piano at Pepperdine’s Raitt Recital Hall, 24255 PCH, 7:30 p.m. 506.4522


KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP Kindergarten Round-Up at Webster Elementary School, 3602 Winter Canyon Rd., 9 a.m. 456.6494


BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses Simon Worrall’s “The Poet and the Murderer” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839


GARDEN CLUB Speaker addresses club on water-wise gardening, including composting, grass recycling and fire-safe plants at Bluffs Park, 7:30 p.m. 456.1107

COLLEGIUM MUSICUM N. Linoln Hanks directs the performance at Pepperdine’s Raitt Recital Hall, 24255 PCH, 7:30 p.m. 506.4522


HORSE SHOW Trancas Riders & Ropers first English horse show takes place at Malibu Equestrian Park, 8 a.m. 456.3074

GODSPELL “Godspell” at the Malibu United Methodist Church, 30128 Morning View Dr., 10:30 a.m. 457.7505

TALENT SHOW Children’s talent show at the Church in Ocean Park at 235 Hill St. in Santa Monica, 1 p.m. $2. 399.1620


JAZZ ENSEMBLE Brian Scanlon conducts a performance at Pepperdine’s Raitt Recital Hall, 24255 PCH, 7:30 p.m. 506.4522


BOOK DISCUSSION The Malibu Book Discussion Group discusses Jonathan Franzen’s “The Corrections” at the Point Dume Mobile Home Park’s clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd., 1 p.m. 457.7839


GUITAR PERFORMANCE Dave Lichten plays guitar every Friday at Mimosa Café, 395 South Topanga Canyon Blvd. in Topanga, 455.4341

WILDFLOWER WALK Volunteers lead wildflower walks every Saturday except April 10 through May 15 at Charmlee Park, 457.7247

PHOTO EXHIBIT The work of Malibu resident Sondra Wampler is on display at Santa Monica College’s Drescher Hall through April 2, 1900 Pico Blvd., 434.4289

STORYTIME Storytime at the Malibu Library, 23519 W. Civic Center Way every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for toddlers and 11:15 a.m. for preschoolers. 456.6438

WALKING CLUB The Malibu Senior Center sponsors an afternoon walking club every Tuesday, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., 4 p.m. 456.2489 ext. 357

ST. AIDAN’S SERVICES St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church services on Sundays at 7:30, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Childcare available 8:15 a.m.-11:45 a.m. 457.7966

CHABAD SERVICES Services at Chabad of Malibu, 456.6588

KIWANIS CLUB Meets every Thursday except the second one of each month at Guido’s Malibu, 7 p.m. 589.9266

CHRISTIAN 12-STEP MEETINGS Various addiction/codependency issues, Thursdays, 7 p.m., Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd. 317.4293, ext. 104

PT. DUME SHUTTLE SERVICE Drives from Westward Beach to the Point Dume Natural Preserve on weekends and holidays; leaves every half-hour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 805.488.1827

HELP FOR HOMELESS Dinner and Bible Study, Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Malibu Vineyard Christian Church banquet room. Call Holly at 818.880.6372

MOMMY AND ME CLASSES At Malibu Gymnastics, 589.5538, at Gan Malibu Preschool, 454.0499

A.A. MEETINGS Fridays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 6:30 p.m., St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 457.7966. Mon. to Thurs. and Sat. evenings at the Malibu Community Center, 213.387.8316 or 457.1558

LIBRARY LIMO Weekly bookmobile at Point Dume Shopping Center on Heathercliff Road, Tues., 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. 456.8572

MALIBU ORCHID SOCIETY Meets the third Tuesday of every month at the Pacific Palisades Women’s Club, 901 Haverford Ave. in Pacific Palisades, 7 p.m. 395.1753

WILDFLOWER WALKS Wildflower walks through Charmlee Wilderness Park will be held every Sat. from March 6 to May 15. Meet at the park kiosk at 10 a.m. 310.457.7247

BIBLE STUDY Non-denominational women’s bible study in Malibu on Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. 455.2675

ROTARY CLUB Meets every Wednesday at Pepperdine, 7:30 a.m. 456.6958