Planetary Themes for the Month of May

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.

Mercury retrogrades again from May 18 through June 11. Avoid misunderstandings and be crystal clear in your communications. Major decisions or purchases are usually best postponed during a Mercury retrograde cycle.


The focus remains on security issues and seeking material rewards through the 11th. If you feel like you are drifting or not making enough progress with your goals, new possibilities can open up after the 11th. This may involve writing, teaching or sharing ideas with others. Remain practical and realistic with your ideas. 


Your persistence and determination can take you far through the 11th. After the 7th, family matters and issues related to your home can take on more importance. During the second half of the month, you feel the impetus to make some major changes in your life. Your personal relationships help you keep the balance. 


If you’ve been behind the scenes in some ways or feel a little frustrated with things in your life, a shift for you is coming on May 11th when Mars enters your sign. Seeking new friends or social interactions this month can open new doors for you. The second half of the month may be a little shakier for finances. Play it safe.


This is a good month for writing, sharing your ideas and personal introspection. On May 7th, Venus enters your sign through June 5th. This is a positive influence for attracting and expressing more love and abundance in your life. During the second half of May, you feel compelled to make some changes in your life.


Any blocks you may have been experiencing in your career or achieving your goals can begin to clear after the 11th. More possibilities open up for you. Look for new opportunities through your friends and networking with others. Taking more time alone to get in touch with your emotional needs brings more balance and happiness.


This is a month when you can be juggling too many balls in your life. Try to stay organized, usually your strong point, and prioritize your daily tasks. The needs of others may require more of your attention. You can feel the urge to escape through personal relationships. Things are probably not as they appear to be.


You are in a cycle for mental expansion and higher education this month. Your curiosity can compel you to learn new subjects. There are likely to be opportunities for travel or short trips. After the 7th, you move more into the emotional realm. Family and career matters come to the surface and need to be kept in balance.


Personal relationships and sharing experiences continue to be a focus for you through the 11th. After the 11th, your inner detective starts to come out. You may be suddenly more interested in doing research. After the 7th, emotional connections can deepen in your relationships, but avoid too much drama.


You are in a stronger cycle for creative self-expression, travel and making positive changes in your life through the end of June. After the 11th, avoid getting into heated debates or arguments with others. Be willing to see others point of view. There are more possibilities for new love interests or improving existing relationships.


You remain in a favorable cycle for financial or investment opportunities through the 11th. There may also be some internal issues you have been stuffing and need to express. After the 7th, Venus highlights your house of relationships for attracting and expressing more love in your life. The needs of others become more important. 


If there have been any family related or domestic issues, a positive shift can begin to occur after the 11th. You move into a better cycle for communicating and expressing your ideas. Your creative and playful side can come out. There are more possibilities in the romance department if you can make up your mind.


After the 7th, you move into a more favorable cycle for romance or expressing more love in your life. You may be dealing with indecision this month when it comes to family or domestic matters. Sometimes the best decision is not to decide. During the second half of the month, be more cautious with finances and play it safe.Â