Retired Marine to Speak at Local BrainTryst Event

Sergeant Douglas Brown

Retired Marine Sergeant Douglas Brown will speak for veterans with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at the BrainTryst event To Honor All Veterans on Oct. 31 at the Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue at 5 p.m.

Brown enlisted in the military after the 9/11 attacks and was recruited as a sniper as a result of his outstanding performance in basic training. He was soon promoted to train an entire platoon of snipers and turned down an invite to attend West Point in order to go to battle with his men.

Brown was granted a medical discharge after nine years of service, during which he was honored with a Purple Heart, multiple medals and a commendation letter from President Bush. After his discharge, he began to suffer from the nightmares and sleep deprivation characterized by PTSD.

Brown will share his experience of PTSD and discuss the treatment he claims is saving his life at the BrainTryst event. Donations from the event will go toward initiatives to save the lives of veterans suffering from PTSD and traumatic brain injuries.

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