SMMUSD Accepting Applications For Music Instructors


The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) will be offering music classes in the upcoming school year and is currently seeking qualified musical instructors to staff the program.

Thanks to funding from educational endowments, SMMUSD will begin offering semi-private music lessons to teach strings, winds and voice after school to students from 4th-12th grade. The lessons will take place weekly during the 2015-16 school year in both Santa Monica and Malibu.

The district is seeking independent music contractors who have experience teaching instruments and/or voice and hold at minimum a bachelor’s degree. The candidate should also be experienced in teaching small groups and individuals and be willing to work in Santa Monica and/or Malibu.

Interested musical instructors should contact Dr. Ellen Edeburn at 310.450.8338 ext. 70338 with further questions.

Applications are due no later than Sept. 3. and can be found here.