Right man for court


Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement from the Supreme Court begs the question: ‘Who’s next?’ In this era of increased partisan bickering, it is critical that we find an individual to serve on the Supreme Court whom, as with Justice O’Connor, all Americans can be proud of. We must find someone who has years of experience as a judge, is known to be moderate and fair to both sides, and represents the diversity of America, politically, ethnically and geographically.

One such person is Judge Edward Prado. Judge Prado has served as a judge for over 20 years. He was first nominated by Ronald Reagan to the district court and then to the circuit court by George W Bush. He was approved by the Senate 97-0. He is known as a moderate, respected by partisans on both sides of the aisle, and as a Hispanic American from Texas, he reflects the diversity of America.

President George W Bush has the duty to nominate the next Supreme Court justice, our Senators are also constitutionally mandated to give their advice and consent. As an American, it is my duty to advise my President and Senators on this critical issue, and my advice is that they nominate and support an experienced moderate like Judge Edward Prado.

Judge Prado has received accolades from leaders in both parties. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) has recommended him to President Bush as one of five people most qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. Senator Orin Hatch has described Judge Prado as ‘a man of exceptional character [and] impeccable ethics.’

Partisanship has paralyzed our politics. We can’t let partisanship politicize our courts. Judge Prado has already proved that he will be a fair-minded independent Supreme Court justice. Now, it is up to President Bush to prove the truth of his pledge to be a “uniter not a divider” and nominate an experienced moderate like Ed Prado.

Leslie Fox