Upcoming Pepperdine Events: Pop Art Exhibit, Inside Hollywood and the Future NSA

Pepperdine University

Last Chance!

This weekend marks the last chance to see the exhibition of Wayne Thiebaud’s “Works on Paper” at the Pepperdine Center For the Arts. The on-campus Weisman Museum of Art hosts representations of Thiebaud’s full career of pop art spanning over 50 years and many graphic media, including etching, lithography and woodcut. The Weisman museum is open from 11am-5pm this weekend, and admission is free.

Unearthing Hollywood’s Shadows

On Monday author Ken LaZebnik will read from his new book “Hollywood Digs:  An Archeaology of Shadows” at Pepperdine’s Payson Library. LaZebnik will sample his recent work, unveiling the real-life narratives of film stars and industry dealings, shedding light on the other side of the silver screen. Admission is free and the event begins at 4 p.m. on Monday, March 31. 

National Security Horizon

Pepperdine’s School of Law is hosting a symposium on “The Future of National Security Law on Friday, April 4. The sessions will cover a wide array of looming topics, including the possible renewal of authorization for use of military force in the wake of 9/11, the ramifications of the Edward Snowden leaks and the strain upon the separation of powers due to more than a decade of non-state conflicts with groups such as al-Qaeda. 

Speakers include John Rizzo, former general counsel of the CIA and author of “Company Man; Rosa Brooks, Georgetown law professor; and Benjamin Wittes, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. The event is free for the general public, though registration is required.

The symposium begins at 8 a.m. and closes at 4:30 p.m. on Friday.