Planning Commission endorses Malibu High field lights


After a lengthy public hearing, the Planning Commission voted to recommend temporary lights be allowed at Malibu High School’s football field for 16 nights per year. The school would be able to use the lights for practices and games. The recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council and later the California Coastal Commission. Both bodies must approve the recommendation for it to become law.

The Coastal Commission last fall rejected the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District’s request for a permit to allow for temporary lights because the Malibu Local Coastal Program does not allow for them. The recommendation by the Planning Commission would modify the LCP to permit temporary lights.

There were several public speakers at the meeting, including nearly all the candidates for this year’s City Council election (two of the Planning Commissioners are also candidates). The opinions ranged from those who wanted no lighting at all to those who wanted significantly more than 16 nights of lighting. Most speakers supported the 16-night compromise.

Look for more on the meeting in next week’s print edition of The Malibu Times.