I sure hope that by now we all realize that in an emergency the best person to rely on is yourself! Pam Linn’s column in the Oct.6 issue is quite to the point.
Remember Superman is a comic book hero and our real heroes … the firemen and emergency personnel are only humans! We can’t wait to be rescued but have to know what to do when an emergency happens. Many of the long time residents find this just routine but there are many who don’t have a clue. Malibu is offering a CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) training every Saturday in October with planned evening classes in January. This is an excellent way to prepare, help your family and help your neighborhood. Having one or two people in your neighborhood attend these classes is a great way to help prepare for emergencies. You can call City Hall and ask for more info.
Back in the twelve hundreds the Buddha Nichiren Daishonin made a plea to his country Japan because many calamities were occurring. He reminded the rulers of the time that there was much confusion of truth and heresy and slander of the law of life. He said, “If you care anything about your personal security, you should first of all pray for order and tranquility throughout the four quarters of the land, should you not?” He instructed the people that when they refuted evil and realized that all life had the Buddha condition and stopped their slander, the evil people who filled the country would disappear and the land would be at peace and would prosper. Or to put it in our time, remember: “Why can’t we all just get along?” I pray for a safe Malibu!
Alessandra DeClario