Letter: Give It Time

Letter to the Editor

Thank you for reporting on the proposed adoption of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) affecting the unincorporated areas of LA County. 

Whether the claims are real or the subject of a “disinformation program,” there is a very real and inescapable truth—there has been inadequate public consultation. 

The vast majority of affected residents heard nothing of this measure until LA County Supervisor Yaroslavky’s March 13 press release. We now hear that the matter will be on the Coastal Commission agenda on April 9— less than a month later and without any opportunity for public input. 

It’s little wonder that concerns are running high when the underlying intent and intended interpretation of seemingly unambiguous and restrictive LCP language have been so poorly communicated. 

We hear that the LCP was written and approved by the county in 2007, so why the rush to push it through without due consultation? This measure demands more time, more consultation and more information. 

John Freeman