Lost Hills Station To Host Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Event


The Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station is hosting a free public event to help local residents deter catalytic converter thefts, one of the most popular forms of theft being reported in the Malibu area.

During the all-day event, Calabasas Car Care – Tire Pros employees have volunteered to etch an identifying serial number onto your vehicle’s catalytic converter. The serial numbers help deputies “identify and connect the converter to your vehicle in the event it is stolen and recovered,” according to information from the station.

The event is being held by appointment only on Monday, March 15, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Calabasas Car Care – Tire Pros, 4929 Las Virgenes Road. In order to schedule an appointment to see Deputy Knott, call 818.878.5559 or email bmknott@lasd.org.