Local Pierce Brosnan’s daughter dies of cancer

Pierce Brosnan with his daughter Charlotte in 2006.

Local Pierce Brosnan’s 41-year-old daughter Charlotte died June 28 of ovarian cancer, the actor said Tuesday. She had been battling the disease for three years, which her mother also died of more than 20 years ago.

“Charlotte fought her cancer with grace and humanity, courage and dignity. Our hearts are heavy with the loss of our beautiful dear girl,” Brosnan said in a statement to People. “We pray for her and that the cure for this wretched disease will be close at hand soon.”

Charlotte’s mother was Australian actress Cassandra Harris, who Brosnan married in 1980. Brosnan adopted Charlotte and her brother, Christopher, after the death of their father in the 1980s. He also had a child, Sean, with Harris. Harris died in 1991 of ovarian cancer.

Brosnan married Keely Shaye Smith in 2001, with whom he has two children.

Charlotte lived in London with her husband, Alex, and children Isabella and Lucas.