Letter: No Compassion

Letter to the Editor

In response to the letter “Warning signs” published April 23

My community at Paradise Cove is appalled that you let Richard Kraft’s letter be printed in your publication. He wrote an opinion piece and outed a family that has not only suffered the loss of their loved one and all that goes with it. There was no funeral or community grieving; the wife is quarantined and alone. She was devastated to read this piece where her son was served up as a pariah because Mr. Kraft stated that he was carrying the virus. This a lie as the son was tested negative as is the older son and the wife. Had he any compassion, he could have found this out before printed such a cruel piece. Mr. Kraft’s letter serves to remind us what happens in a society when we spy on each other and inform false information. Not only does this cause hysteria but is deeply offensive to the family. In all the media news we receive daily, I have never heard one name or location given out without the family’s consent. Privacy laws were followed, which evidently this paper does not. The Bell family is a much loved member of the Malibu family and we feel protective of their privacy at this time. I would advise your paper to print its privacy position in the next edition. Hopefully no other family will have to go through the pain caused by such a dangerous letter.

Leslie Starus

Paradise Cove Homeowners Association