Malibu’s Cooking: Share Your Stories

"Malibu's Cooking Again," edited by Cathy Rogers

Local chef Cathy Rogers needs residents’ help for her upcoming cookbook.

The cookbook—for and by the community—is her way of helping Malibu’s recovery efforts in the time following the Woolsey Fire. The idea may sound familiar to longtime residents; Rogers published “Malibu’s Cooking Again” in the aftermath of the Old Topanga Fire of 1993.

The first edition of the book served as a way to collect recipes for those who lost their family recipes and cookbooks. Contributors included many Malibu notables, from residents to popular restaurants such as the now-shuttered Granita Malibu and Beau Rivage.

Now, with recipes in hand, the chef aims to collect stories from residents to weave throughout the book in the hopes of creating “a cookbook that people could cherish.”  

Rogers predicts expenses will be a lot less for the newest edition of the cookbook, and hopes to establish some sort of fund for those affected by the November fire.

“We’re one soul, one community,” she explained. “What hurts one hurts all of us.”

Anyone interested in sharing their survivor story and anecdotes can do so by emailing Rogers at