I’m writing to publicly express my admiration for Robert Adler. Mr. Adler is in a class with the “Freedom Fighters” of the old days, who came forward and acted only because they cared about our community. Those were the days when Malibu was governed by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. That body used to demonstrate a similar arrogant display of power and uncaring for the best interests of Malibu. We all know that Adler and Roney were actually fired, not for purportedly violating the Brown Act, but for opposing Development Measure M, in spite of the Council’s unanimous support for a measure which would have destroyed all that is Malibu.
I sincerely wish he would run for City Council. As co-chair of the City Incorporation Committee (and first Mayor), he’s of the caliber I expected for our Council.
Walt Keller