Co-Existing with Coyotes Offers Course


Teachers hoping to enhance their science curriculum and others interested in learning about our animal neighbors are invited to attend a Co-Existing with Coyotes Teachers Workshop — a collaborative science program presented by the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, the Wild Neighbors Coyotes Malibu Community Alliance and MANTA Publications. 

The program will come to Malibu High School on Jan. 25 and Our Lady of Malibu on Feb. 9 to present teachers and guests with short presentations and discussions by Cami Winkhoff of the Malibu Community Alliance, ranger and coyote researcher Cathy Schoonmaker, co-director of Poison Free Malibu Wendi Dunn and Dawn Navarro Ericson of MANTA Publications. Aspects of the program align with the Science Content Standards for California Public Schools and provide additional resources to support classroom projects. 

Teachers in attendance will receive classroom worksheets with educational methods and ideas for bringing coyote science into curriculums. They will also receive a free Wild Neighbors natural science guide, edited by leading coyote expert Stanley D. Gehrt. Guides are also available for purchase at Bank of Books Malibu. 

The workshop will begin at 3:15 p.m. For more information, call 310.457.8672