New Malibu Optimist Club Officers and Board Members Announced

The Malibu Optimist Club held its annual installation luncheon and inducted new officers and a new board of directors.

The Malibu Optimist Club held its annual installation luncheon at Camp Hess Kramer. Jim Oliver, a director of Optimist International, was present to induct the new officers and board of directors for the 2013-2014 year. Frank Brady is President, supported by Vice President Ed Harvey, Treasurer Phil Gajic and Secretary Bonnie Lockrem. Outgoing President, Tony Lardas, was thanked for his service throughout his two years as President.

The Optimist Board for 2013-14 includes Tom Lubisich, Ray Craig, Ed Harvey, Frank Brady, Tony Lardas, Phil Gajic, Bonnie Lockrem, Mark Ball, Tarek Shraibati and Ed Young.