Blog: Big Oil Seismically Slaughtering Sealife

Dr. Reese Halter

From The Great Australian Bight to Lake Macquarie, NSW, the race to destroy sealife to extract more climate disrupting oil and gas has reached a diabolical frenzy.

The Australian federal government has granted an oil company the rights to search, once again, for oil and gas off the coast of the largest saltwater lagoon in the Southern Hemisphere.

That means millions of sea creatures will be killed by incessant sonic booms as Big Oil scavenges for more heat-trapping gases.

This deranged ecocide risks killing the critically endangered Leatherback turtles, Great White sharks and the largest animals on the planet — exalted blue whales.

Every 10 seconds for five weeks, sonic explosions at 252 decibels will shatter eardrums of all sea creatures.

If Australia’s federal government, for the meantime led by Tony Abbott, wasn’t subsidizing Big Oil then they wouldn’t be seismically slaughtering millions of sea creatures.

The oceans provide us with three out of every four breaths of air and the most powerful pain, cancer and heart medicines ever discovered.

It’s time to protect all oceans, not plunder them like thieving lunatics.

Please support Sea Shepherd Australia because they are protecting sealife from despicable Southern Ocean poachers.

Join Earth Dr Reese Halter on his crusade to protect nature by watching Earth Calling SOS. His latest book is Shepherding the Sea: The Race to Save our Oceans.